이미지 영역 및 카메라 제어하기 (Rendering Pane 사용법)
After adding a new layer or selecting a layer from the list, Rendering Pane displays the meteorological data in the 3D-image and contains some options for controlling perspective.
Controlling camera
Zoom : Scroll mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/out. For finer adjustments, scroll with Ctrl key pressed.
Rotate : Press and hold left mouse button, and drag.
Pan : Press and hold right mouse button, and drag.
Zoom Fit : Click Zoom Fit menu button in order to return to the default camera position with a zoom level fitted to the entire scene.
Changing the display mode
In the Rendering Pane, the polar coordinates is set by default. You can change the display mode from the polar coordinates (globe) mode to the Cartesian coordinates (map box), or vice versa, as follows.
In Menu Bar, choose Home menu category.
In Map panel, click the upper part of the Globe button to change the display mode.
The alternative way is to click the Globe button at the bottom-right corner of the program.
Showing/Hiding Legend and Color Bar
The Legend shows a brief explanation and the colormap of the selected layers. The Color Bar shows the variable names and units of the selected variable.
You can show or hide the Legend and the Color Bar as follows.
You can also show/hide the Legend by double-clicking the Legend.
Setting color map and limit range
You can edit the color map and limit range of the current layer as follows:
Double-click the Color Bar or the Limit Range.
In the Setup Colormap and Limit Range dialog box, you can customize the options for the layer, and click OK button.
- In the Colormap Range and Levels panel, you can set options for the layer's colormap.
- In the Limit Range to Display panel, you can set the display range of the layer.
- In the Contour Levels panel, you can set options for creating isopleths (contour lines) to display Horizontal Plane/Vertical Cross-Section type layers.
- In the Emphasis Level panel, you can set the display options to highlight certain lines from the isopleth data to be displayed on the Horizontal Plane/Vertical Cross-Section layer.
Note that the options in the Contour Levels panel and the Emphasis Level panel are applied only if the selected layer is a scalar (Horizontal Plane/Vertical Cross-Section) layer.
The alternative way to edit the options for the current layer is as follows: 1. In Menu Bar, choose Home menu category. 1. In Layer Setup panel, you can * click the upper part of the Layer Option button to see the Setup Colormap and Limit Range dialog box; or * click the lower part of the Layer Option button to select the detail setup options.
You can right-click the Legend or the Limit Range to speed up the setting options for the layer.
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