When you first start Mirae WAVE, this environment consists of the following elements:
1. The **Menu Bar** contains menus for controlling and rendering 3-D images, with the *Home* tab is active by default...
When you first start Mirae WAVE, this environment consists of the following elements (by default):
##### 1. The **Menu Bar** contains menus for controlling and rendering 3-D images.

1. The **Variables Pane** contains list of variables in numerical data...
1. The **Area Pane** displays region (map area) of the gridded layer...
1. The **Rendering Pane** displays meteorological data in multiple layers...
1. The **Layers Pane** displays and manages the layer list...
1. The **Actions Pane** shows the history of actions, with *Undo* and *Redo* buttons for undoing and redoing actions, respectively.
* Commands can be represented as buttons on the *Quick Access Toolbar*. You can customize the toolbar to include any command that you use frequently by right-click on **Menu Bar** area.
* The *Title Bar* displays the name of the active layer.
* When you click the *Mirae WAVE Button*, commands related to opening files (or directories), saving images, options for program configuration, and license registration are displayed.
* By default, *Menu Categories* contains *Home*, *Layer*, and *Window* categories, with *Home* is active. When you later add another layer, its corresponding category, such as *Horizontal Plane*, is displayed. You can click a certain category to display its corresponding *Ribbon*.
* The *Ribbon* contains panels for controlling display options and working with the program. Each *Panel* contains buttons which are functional organized.
* The *Tab Menu Bar* contain buttons for activating cursor-picking, hiding/showing *Ribbon* menu, and program information.
##### 2. The **Variables Pane** displays list of variables after you import your numerical data.
##### 3. In **Area Pane**, you can choose and control the region (map area) of the gridded layer.
##### 4. In **Rendering Pane**, you can display meteorological data in single or multiple layers.
##### 5. The **Layers Pane** displays and manages the layer list.
By default, it displays and activates *Background Map* and *Borderlines Map* layers.
##### 6. The **Actions Pane** displays the history of actions.
You can undo and redo actions with *Undo* and *Redo* buttons, respectively.
### Terminologies
> To Trang:
> How about naming the UI components as, "menu bar", "variables pane", "area pane", "rendering pane", "layers pane", "actions pane"?. I myself don't like the names very much. Let me know if you have better names.
# Opening data files (and how to use Variables Pane)
### 1. Opening data files.
You can load and display the meteorological data from GRIB/GRIB2/NETCDF files saved in the your computer.
To open a file or a directory containing multiple files:
1. Choose *Home* category. In *Open Data* panel, click *Open File* or *Open Directory*, respectively.
1. In the *Open* dialog box, navigate to the file or the folder that you want to open, and then double-click or click *Open* button.
### 2. Using Variable Pane.
After opening data files, the *Variables Pane* displays a hierarchical tree structure of the variables in your data. By default, the variables are grouped by category and displayed with ID. You can customize the options to display variables as follows:
* You can group variables by clicking *Grouping* button (the second button on the control bar of *Variable Pane*).