Viewing data with layers (and how to use Layers Pane)
To visualize data, user need to select a data variable and load the variable's data on a layer.
There are six different types of layers, listed below, and user need to select appropriate layer for visualization.
- Scalar Horizontal : visualize a scalar field on a horizontal plane
- Scalar Cross-section : visualize a scalar field on a vertical(cross-sectional) plane
- Vector Horizontal : visualize a vector field on a horizontal plane
- Vector Cross-section : visualize a vector field on a vertical(cross-sectional) plane
- 3D Volume : visualize scalar field in 3D, using isosurface or volumetric rendering
- 3D Streamline : visualize vector field in 3D, using streamlines
1. Adding layers and viewing data
Adding layers
After opening data files, you can add layers to the 3D-image in the Rendering Pane as follows:
- In Menu Bar, choose Layer menu category.
- In Add Layer panel, click the corresponding button with the layer that you want to add.
![](img/3-3-1-add-layer.png) 1. In *Add [Layer Name] Layer* dialog box, such as *Add Scalar Horizontal Layer*, select the variable you want to show in *Select Variable* panel, set the vertical altitude and map area of the layer in *Area and level to Display* panel and other options, and click *OK* button.
Viewing Data
After adding a layer, such as Scalar Horizontal, Rendering Pane displays data of the selected variable on the layer, Layers Pane displays the layer name, and Actions Pane displays the Add layer action entry.
In addition, the program generates one more menu category corresponding to the added layer in Menu Bar, such as Scalar Horizontal menu category.
This new menu category contains two panels.
- Grid Options panel contains buttons used to set the properties of the layer grid data to extract from the numerical model data.
- Style panel contains buttons used to set the display properties of the added layer.
Note that the name of the added menu category and its ribbon are displayed differently with different added or selected layer. You can select a layer to display on Rendering Pane by clicking on that layer in the list in Layers Pane.
2. Changing variable on the current layer
To display data of another variable on the current layer, you can select that variable in the list (on the Variables Pane) and:
- double-click on that variable; or
- click the first button on the control bar, then select Show on Current Layer; or
- right-click and select Show on Current Layer.
You can also edit the current layer by double click on that layer in Layers Pane and customize the layer's properties in the Edit [Layer Name] Layer dialog box.
3. Layers Management
Layers Pane displays the list of layers according to the adding order and shows layer information such as layer properties, style and layer grid.
Each layer item in the list consists of Show/Hide checkbox, Layer Name, Lock Time and Close buttons.
The Layer Name is created in the following format: %VARIABLE NAME% : %SECTION TYPE% - %VERTICAL SYSTEM%
Showing/Hiding layers
You can show or hide a layer on the Rendering Pane by checking or unchecking the Show/Hide checkbox.
You can show all layers or hide all layers in the list by clicking Show All or Hide All button on the control bar.
The alternative way is to choose Layer menu category in Menu Bar. In View panel, click the Show button.
Closing layers
You can close each layer in the list by click the Close button.
You can close all layers by clicking Close All button on the control bar.
The alternative way is to choose Layer menu category in Menu Bar. In View panel, click the Close button.
Arranging layers
You can click the Automatic Z-Order to set the rendering order of layers added to the Rendering Pane based on the distance between the viewpoint and the center position of the layer map area.
The Background Map and Borderlines Map layers are always rendered first.
When multiple layers are overlapped, the layer with the larger distance from the viewpoint lays under the layer that is closer to the viewpoint. The rendering order determines the transparency (alpha channel) effect.
The alternative way is to choose Layer menu category in Menu Bar. In Layer Profile panel, click the Automatic Z-Order button.
Saving/Opening layer profile
- You can save the layer list in the current 3-D image in Rendering Pane into a layer profile file by clicking Save button on the control bar.
The alternative way is to choose Layer menu category in Menu Bar. In Layer Profile panel, click the Save button.
- You can load the saved layer list from the layer profile file by clicking Open button on the control bar.
The alternative way is to choose Layer menu category in Menu Bar. In Layer Profile panel, click the Open button.
For further details, refer to How to speed up repeated tasks section.
You can control and edit a layer by selecting that layer and right-click.
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